'Last of the Summer's Grind'
The Hydrant Brighton
Hawka Hurricane
Hawka Hurricane have gained a new member on vocal duties relieving guitarist Martin of his temporary vocalist position. But Hawka fail to make much of an impact tonight through a mixture of band sound, a lax technical performance and awkward stage banter between songs. This in turn causes much of the audience members to leave prematurely, which is no surprise when even the singer looks bored.
The setlist does begin to pick up momentum into the third track revealing the bands potential as a serious act, but more work is needed to smooth out the performance and to fully integrate their new singer.
The band lacked the intensity they normally have for their Slayer/Pantera type thrash leaving them failing to blow the audience away but instead blowing them out the door.
Woe To The Conquered
WTTC begin with their backs turned to the audience as their intro overtrack is played through the PA system. For a gig of this size I normally find this to be an overkill, but before I've even had a chance to think the bass players performed a karate kick off the stage and WTTC are straight into their take of Mastodon/opeth-esque Prog Metal.
Unfortunately for the band the crowd are still warming up to the night and the singers unconfident commands to fill the front space of the room fail to register.
These guy's are a band that are definitely worth watching out for, as they have the right fusion of dynamics and energy to pull of a genre that often many bands can't.
Surrounded By Disgust
Surrounded By disgust were the band of the night, and by the head count the band most people had come to see. Surrounded by disgust are sheer brutality delivering a set that punishes the crowd in the largest mosh pits of the night.
SBD fuse the technical metal styles of bands such as Gojira and Meshuggah with the bloodthirsty attitude of Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus, which by the end of the set leaves the audience screaming for more, and me reaching in to my pocket to buy their new self titled EP that's available on their Myspace.
Drown In Entropy
Drown In Entropy are playing tonight one guitar player down whilst they look for a member to fill the position. This leaves guitar player Matthew Parisi the impressive task of competently nailing all the SiKth like lead lines and dirty drop tuned riffery, that would leave many a guitar player flailing like a fish.
DIE know how to execute riffs that are as bludgeoning as they are groove, and take the listener from extreme dynamics of full on discordant screaming verses to melodic chorus.
This is a band for fans of Meshuggah, Periphery and Sikth, but also people who like some originality chucked in there for good measure.
This Means War
This means war hit the stage whilst only the most dedicated of Midnight Metal heads remain. But this does not water down the bands performance as they play with the same intensity that could fill any venue.
TMW do no take themselves too seriously with the guitar player wearing some sort of retarded Alice in Wonderland type outfit and keeping the crowd comically entertained between songs.
This is a band the exudes confidence, telling the sound man to turn it up a “shitload” as well as demanding a pit and getting it.
During the set Shaun Lonergan of Black Sunday Promotions takes the stage and delivers probably the most disgusting death metal vocal delivery of the night.
This Means War will only be playing a handful of gigs over the next few months whilst the singer has a baby, so make sure you catch them whilst you can! Another great band to a great scene.
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