The Beginning (2008) & Carried By Six (2010)
Genre: Metal
Stand Out Track: As The Hammer Falls Down, Show Your Skyn
Rating: 7/8
Formed in 2001, these two EP's act as a showcase for a band set to evolve their sound and performances to an every increasing fan base.
Sonically the 2 EP's share similar qualities that you would expect to find in a Metal recording, meaty guitar sounds, in your face drumming and a crazed vocalist that wouldn't sounds out of place at an after hours Wetherspoon pub brawl.
The production on the earlier EP; 'The Beginning' courtesy of 'Escape Route Productions' for me is the more favourable. The music is as aggressive as it is groovy and vocally it sits tighter than on the latter EP, Ryan has a strong enough without having to double track it.
The Band encompass much of what makes the modern Metal scene so great today. Borrowing from the pioneers of Thrash and their troubadours such as Lamb Of God and Machine Head, CB6 have listened, digested and incorporated it into their own thing.
It is clear that from 'The Beginning' to 'CB6' the band have developed in their songwriting ability. Songs such as 'Show Your Skyn' shows signs of the band incorporating ideas from other genre's to create more interesting compositions allowing the music to have wider emotional impact.
These two sets of recordings show that these Southend boys have a no hold bars approach when it comes to their Metal, Check it out.
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